
This is the Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test. This test consists of 24 spatial ability questions with a time limit of 8 minutes.

You are always able to skip a question and return to it later. Use the navigation bar to see what questions have been left unanswered and to return to them at any time you want.

Look at these five figures.
Note that these are all pictures of the same object which is shown from different angles. Try to imagine moving the object (or yourself with respect to the objectl, as you look from one drawing to the next.

Here are two drawings of a new figure that is different from the one shown in the first 5 drawings. Satisfy yourself that these two drawings show an object that is different and cannot be "rotated" to be identical with the object shown in the first five drawings.

Now look at the object at the objects below. Two of the four drawings at the bottom (A-D) show the same object as the object above them. Can you find those two?
If you think A and C are the same as the objects above, you made the correct choice.

This is how you solve all 24 questions. There are always two correct choices for each question, make sure you select both.

When you are ready, click "Begin" to start the test.
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