General Cognitive Ability Test

General Cognitive Ability Test

The General Cognitive Ability Test comprises assessments of verbal, numerical, spatial and abstract reasoning ability, which scores are combined to generate a General Cognitive Ability score, known as “g”. This resulting score reflects a person’s ability to solve problems, extract and apply information, learn new skills and deal with complex situations. A person with a higher score is more likely to be a quick learner, and good performer as compared to a person with a lower score.

Test properties

Type of test: Ability test

Useful for: Predicting job performance in various types of jobs

Time limit: 40 minutes

Number of test items: 40

Item response form: Multiple choice

Languages: English

Mode of Administration: Online

What the items measure

Verbal Ability:
Word Analogies, Spelling, Grammar.

Numerical Ability:
Number series, Numerical deductions.

Spatial Ability:
Object Folding, Spatial rotations.

Abstract Reasoning Ability:
Matrix Reasoning, Visual inferences.

Detailed Test Report

For every candidate completing the General Cognitive Ability Test, you will be able to download or print a detailed test report. The first page of the test report grants a quick overview of the candidate's overall performance on the test. The results of the candidate are compared to a norm group in order to get the percentile population score. For example, If a candidate has a score of 70, he/she scored as well or better than 70 percent of the 5,000 people who were part of our 2013 test norming study. You may choose to compare a candidate's results to the entire norm group or to a specified part of the norm group.

Click here to view a sample test report.

General Cognitive Ability Test Report


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